He retired at 36: “I didn’t want to work forever, being successful doesn’t mean spending your whole life in a company that makes a career.”

At the age of 25, Yaron decides to seek happiness and not career advancement and that he does not want to spend his whole life Work. To achieve his goal, he immediately took the first step, looking for the best way to gain economic independence in the shortest possible time.

As Business Insider reports, from the beginning it was a question of priorities, and his life was free from the worries and stress of money and work so he could pursue what brought him joy without suffering. Impose and scrape together for years.

The man, originally from Berlin, started his project while he was busy getting his doctorate in advanced and computational mathematics. Specifically, during an internship in New York, he came into contact with a Wall Street investment advisor who soon became his mentor and who showed him the right path to achieving his dream – and pension – at the age of 36.

Economic independence

Yaron’s journey began with reading. In fact, his mentor recommended him some texts that he felt were absolutely necessary to achieve his goal: “The Four Day Work Week” by Tim Ferriss and “The Far Side” by Malcolm Gladwell. The two books allowed him to reflect on the connection between money and happiness: “The guy is right: maybe in 40 years I don’t want to be a person who bases his whole life on a career,” he thought.

So over the next 10 years, Yaron worked at major companies, including Google and Meta, traveling from Tel Aviv to Zurich to California.

However, his goal remained clear and he started with small investments. As soon as he got his first job, he started saving a few hundred euros every month and slowly increased the contributions he paid. Four years after deciding to achieve financial independence, Yaron planned his retirement plan: around 5,000 euros per month for a comfortable and stable life.

A question of mentality

The man used to spend about two-thirds of his salary on living in the beginning, then he went to 50% and put aside all the different and possible bonuses. With 10,000 euros safely in the account, the rest was invested in the stock market. Yaron says that the success of his project is due to his mentality and approach, constantly evaluating what brought him happiness, combined with the need to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Before each purchase, he asked himself: “Is there something that would satisfy me in the same way, but at a third of the price?”. Yaron then gives an example of his passion for green tea: “Even if I bought a luxury tea that costs around 50 euros for 50 grams, at the end of the month I would save money compared to going to Starbucks every day to buy coffee. . Still, I would keep something much more exclusive in my life that gives me joy.” However, he admits that luck has helped him in part, especially with regard to investments: he was one of the first to bet on Tesla.

So at age 36, 10 years after he set his plan in motion, Yaron Goldstein retired and is now ready to enjoy the life he’s been dreaming and planning for a while: “No one will convince you that success means working for a big company . , stay there for 40 years and make a career.”

Last updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 12:41 p.m


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