Bari threatens to be placed under special administration, Decaro: “If there is suspicion, I will give up the escort”. Piantedosi: “From the government’s war against the mafia, not against the mayors”

For Mayor Antonio Decaro, it’s an “act of war”. A must study for the government. The Interior Ministry’s decision to appoint a commission to examine the possible need to dissolve the municipality of Puglia’s capital has been controversial.


A commission of the Ministry of the Interior was appointed to find out the alleged mafia infiltration in the Bari City Council and in other municipal companies after the arrest of 130 people in the Bari DDA investigation: the investigation revealed an alleged mafia-political connection with the exchange of votes in the last municipal elections in 2019. The alleged crimes include mafia association, extortion, possession and possession of firearms, drug trafficking and auction rigging.

Among those arrested were also former regional councilor Giacomo Olivieri and his wife Maria Carmen Lorusso, a municipal councilor from the civil list originally elected in opposition and then switched to the majority. Among other measures taken, the transport company Bari Amtab was also placed under controlled administration.

Antonio Decaro, mayor of Bari since 2014, has been living under surveillance since 2016

What happened

The case broke out on February 26, when an investigation by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate led to the arrest of 130 people connected to the clans and, in particular, to the arrest (under house arrest) of a city councilor elected for the center-right (and then moved to the center-left), Maria Carmen Lorusso and her husband (in prison), lawyer Giacomo Olivieri, former regional councilor. Olivieri would be the driving force behind deals with the Parisi, Montani and Strisciuglio mafia clans to get his wife elected through vote buying. Previously, in October 2022, Francesca Ferri, another Bari councilor (always chosen in the center right)
she was arrested and is now on trial with her partner Filippo Dentamaro and former regional councilor (businessman and football president of Foggia) Nicola Canonico for allegedly re-swapping votes in this election round in Bari and in the nearby municipality of Valenzano. Returning to the latest investigation, Olivieri allegedly paid money to members of mafia clans, promising jobs and gas vouchers. Give courage
Lorusso’s choice, her father, the oncologist Vito Lorusso, would also move, already investigated for extortion and embezzlement and arrested again in this investigation, who in turn would make a deal with Massimo Parisi, brother of the boss “Savinuccio”: in exchange for his daughter’s promise he would took care of the clan leader’s nephew who later died. Running in tandem with Lorusso was Michele Nacci (the first of the unelected members of the “Di Rella sindacò”) list, who has family ties to convicted criminals and prominent members of the Andrea Montani clan. In exchange for money and labor, the Strisciuglio clan would also mobilize for Olivieri. Democratic Party regional councilor Anita Maurodinoia would also be investigated as part of the investigation, again due to the confusion of votes.

Maxi investigation

In the maxi investigation, alleged mob connections, including neomelodic singer Tommaso Parisi, ended up in prison.
son of undisputed boss Bari “Savinuccio” Parisi. The municipal transport company in Bari Amtab spa and Maldarizzi automotive spa were placed under judicial administration for a year due to the infiltration of the mafia, the companies to which the clans allegedly applied their criminal activities and obtained work. The investigation also uncovered alleged clan-ordered match-fixing at Corato-Fortis Altamura football matches (April 30, 2017 and October 7, 2018).


The Ministry’s move is actually the first step towards the possible dissolution of the Magistrate because of the mafia. However, the centre-left, which governs the city of Bari, is not on board and is talking about a political decision made under pressure from the centre-right of Bari. “I will not silently assist in this operation to pervert the truth and destroy the reputation of sound administration and the entire city.»protests Decaro, mayor since 2014, from the Democratic Party. «If there is even a single suspicion of criminal infiltration in the village of Bari, I give up the escort I have had for 9 years. I’m coming back to life. I can’t be an anti-mafia mayor and have a joint access committee». Demo secretary Elly Schlein also protests. «We remain impressed with the manner in which Minister Piantedosi announced the appointment of the Commission to verify the dissolution of the Municipality of Bari. The election, which comes three months before the election, appears to be highly political following the initiative of some right-wing MPs. and two members of the government and did not even examine the documentation submitted by Mayor Decaro’s administration. This has never been seen before and is very serious». Minister Matteo Piantedosi responds to Tg1: «I understand the bitterness of the mayor of Bari,” says the owner of the Ministry of the Interior. “Our government has already dissolved 15 mainly center-right municipalities since it took office. This government has declared war on mafias, certainly not local administrators».

Last updated: Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 7:51 p.m


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