Antonio Manzini: a new book by the author Schiavone for Mondadori | Mondadori Books

What is Antonio Manzini’s new book about? Case All details in the news

Get ready to learn Carlo Cappai: archivist at the court of Bolognapast with the police. He lives alone, in the house of his parents, now dead. And it’s not just living alone, it’s full-fledged the only man, almost completely devoid of relationships. He is the first protagonist new book by Antonio Manzini.

He spends the vast majority of his time where he works, i.e. in the archive, every nook and cranny of which he knows, every component, every processand every story. And some of these components scream their Cappai unheard of truth and their requirement of justice. These are cases where justice was not actually served in court and the guilty were acquitted “for not committing a crime”.

Then get ready to learn Walter Marchetti, journalist crashed out of sportswhere he was very happy to messages, where he feels very bad. The second protagonist All details in the news. Newspapers entrust him with reporting on two murderswhich occurred in a short time, and Marchetti, after initial clumsiness and missteps, he begins to sense that there is something strange about the deaths, will become convinced that there is a connection. And he still doesn’t know how right he is…

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